A sump pump is a device used to remove excess water from basements and crawlspaces. Areas prone to flooding, especially during heavy rains or snowmelt, often have sump pumps installed to prevent water damage. Commercial plumbers can install, repair, or maintain sump pumps for residential and commercial properties. 

How Sump Pumps Work

A sump pump is installed in a pit or basin at the lowest point in the basement or crawlspace. This pit collects any water that may enter the space and triggers the sump pump to turn on when the water reaches a certain level.

The pump then removes the water through a discharge pipe, usually leading to a storm drain or other designated area outside the building. When water triggers the float switch, a sump pump activates the motor and moves water out of the pit. 

Common Signs Your Sump Pump Needs Attention

When it comes to maintaining a healthy and safe environment, commercial plumbers help keep properties safe from water damage.

Experts need to install a sump pump as it requires proper knowledge, tools, and equipment. Some signs that indicate it’s time to call a plumber include:

Visible Rust or Corrosion on the Equipment

Sump pumps are susceptible to rust and corrosion, primarily if not properly maintained. Call a plumber for a professional inspection if you notice any rust or corrosion on the pump or discharge line. A

corroded sump pump may not function effectively due to interference with its mechanical components.

Strange Noises Coming From the Pump

A properly functioning sump pump should operate quietly. If you hear any unusual noises, such as grinding or banging, it could indicate a problem with the motor or other parts of the pump. This could also suggest that the pump struggles to remove water from the pit.

The sooner you address this issue, the better your chance of preventing flood or water damage in your home or business.

Frequent Cycling

If your sump pump constantly turns on and off, it could be a sign that the float switch is not working correctly. This could also indicate an issue with the pump’s discharge line, causing water to flow back into the pit. Frequent cycling strains the pump, leading to wear and tear, which could result in a malfunction. 

No Water in the Pit

During heavy rainstorms, your sump pump works hard to remove excess water from the pit. If you notice no water present, it could mean that your sump pump has failed or there is a blockage in the discharge line. Check the pump and discharge line for clogs or debris, and call a plumber if you cannot resolve the issue independently.

When To Call a Plumber

While there are some steps you can take to maintain your sump pump, understand when it is time to call a professional commercial plumber. Some mechanical issues require the expertise of a trained professional. Call a plumber when you need the following services:

Installation of a New Sump Pump

Installing a new sump pump requires a professional plumber to handle the job. Sump pumps feature intricate parts and components that require careful installation. A professional plumber may also advise you on the suitable type of sump pump for your specific needs.

Part Repair or Replacement

When your sump pump is not working correctly, it could be due to a faulty part that needs repair or replacement. Broken parts cause your sump pump to malfunction, rendering it ineffective in removing water from the pit. A trained plumber will diagnose and fix mechanical issues and seamlessly install the new parts.

Regular Maintenance Services

Your sump pump may require regular maintenance services to keep it working correctly. A plumber has the knowledge and skills to inspect your sump pump regularly. They will also clean or replace filters and perform adjustments or repairs.

Regular maintenance may include checking the pump’s battery, testing its backup system, and confirming it is free of any obstructions.

Hire Professional Commercial Plumbers

Working with professional commercial plumbers helps you maintain your sump pump for optimal performance. They have the expertise and tools to efficiently handle any plumbing issue related to your sump pump.

Plumbers provide valuable advice on properly maintaining your sump pump for maximum longevity. Contact a reputable plumbing company for all your sump pump installation, repair, and maintenance needs. 


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