Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) entails inhaling pure oxygen in a pressure room. The elevated pressure helps your lungs take in more oxygen, facilitating healing.

There are safety precautions to follow to maximize the therapeutic effects and maintain safety during treatment. Here are tips on diet, medications, and dressing while preparing for your hyperbaric oxygen treatment appointment:

What To Eat

Eat a light, balanced meal before hyperbaric oxygen treatment. Select easily digestible low-gas foods such as non-starchy veggies, lean meats, and grains to avoid indigestion or discomfort.

Request your healthcare provider for dietary recommendations for specific health conditions. Schedule your meal for at least an hour before the session for optimal digestion and comfort during the treatment.

What to Drink

Drink plenty of water before your session to prevent dehydration during the process. Proper hydration optimizes blood flow, maximizing the advantages of HBOT. By facilitating oxygen-rich blood to reach all tissues, hydration promotes tissue recovery.

It also lowers the risk of oxygen poisoning and unpleasant side effects like nausea. Keep drinking water during and after sessions to maintain fluid balance and assist the body’s natural healing processes.

Drinks To Avoid

Avoid carbonated drinks, caffeine, and alcohol before your treatment session. HBOT depends on increased blood flow to supply tissues with oxygen. Caffeinated and alcoholic beverages cause blood vessels to narrow, which reduces oxygen transport efficiency to bodily tissues. These drinks also increase dehydration risk due to their diuretic properties. Dehydration compromises the body’s ability to transfer oxygen, reducing the effectiveness of treatment.

Carbonated drinks release gas bubbles in the stomach, leading to bloating and discomfort. The gas bubbles in the stomach may enlarge under pressure, resulting in pain or injury. Elevated pressure in the HBOT chamber adds some stress on the cardiovascular system. Caffeine intake before the treatment increases heart rate further, escalating cardiovascular system strain.

Drinking alcohol slows down one’s cognitive abilities and reaction times. Patients should be mentally alert and receptive throughout the therapy. Alcohol intake before HBOT can make it more challenging to interact with staff and react appropriately.

How To Dress

Wear comfortable, loose clothing made of natural materials like cotton. The breathability and moisture absorption properties of cotton can assist in the control of body temperature and minimize discomfort during therapy. Confirm with your therapist if they provide cotton clothing to change into or if you should carry your own.

Clothing Items To Avoid

Avoid clothing, including undergarments made from synthetic materials like polyester or nylon. Synthetics can produce static electricity, which might be dangerous in an oxygen-rich hyperbaric chamber. Avoid metal clothing, accessories, or jewelry because they can become projectiles under pressure, endangering everyone’s safety.

Avoid wearing colognes, perfumes, or strong-smelling lotions before HBOT treatments. These products might include flammable materials that react negatively in the chamber environment. The remains from these products can contaminate the chamber’s air supply or hinder the treatment’s efficacy.

What Drugs To Avoid

Discuss any drugs and medication you take with your practitioner in advance. Oxygen may affect some medicines; other drugs are prohibited during HBOT. Your doctor will advise you to stop taking such medications before treatment temporarily. Inform your therapists if you have cold or flu-like symptoms before treatment. You may have to wait for the symptoms to disappear before getting hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

Avoid smoking a few weeks before HBOT treatment. Smoking can negate the benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy by interfering with the body’s oxygen transport system. Quitting smoking at least one week before receiving therapy makes treatments more effective.

What To Bring To The Chamber

Many facilities only allow an approved water bottle into the hyperbaric chamber for hydration. Inquire if they provide patients with one.

Items To Keep Away

Before each session, you will receive a reminder to remove any items that might be dangerous given the elevated oxygen levels. Most facilities offer lockers for you to keep your items while receiving treatment.
Prohibited items include:
•    Electronic devices such as cell phones and laptops
•    Metal objects, including jewelry, watches, and keys
•    Flammable materials
•    Glass containers or items

Find A Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment Center Near You

HBOT is a very safe treatment with little to no discomfort and has many therapeutic benefits. Find a facility that offers hyperbaric oxygen treatment to enjoy these benefits. Contact the center before your appointment for more information on the treatment and preparation.


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